Microsoft’s OEM division needed a way to promote their close integration of Windows Live with Asus’ new EEEPC line of affordable lifestyle PCs and netbook computers around the globe, and sought a language-independent spot to run across the spectrum in broadcast, retail, and online channels. Microsoft called Hatcher. Hatcher called me.
The goal was to capture the immediacy and cloud-connectivity of the Asus products, as enabled by Windows Live, with a light ribbon that connects the otherwise disparate narratives of an ensemble ranging from teenagers to grandparents, playing across the globe.
We shot on RED, and finished at 1080p. In addition to cutting the spot, I worked closely with director Matt Snyder in devising the look and life of the ribbon system, supervised VFX on set, and tracked and implemented all the VFX and graphics.
My Role: Edit + Motion + VFX
Agency: Hatcher
Director: Matt Snyder